Gay porn cartoon glory

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I’d just come from a drama class taught by Mr. Written by Christopher Pierce and illustrated by Roscoe The Adventures of Timmy: College Glory (Hole) All of Roscoe’s hallmarks are on display here: proud and shiny erections (shiny everything really!), warm and genial smiles, and joyfully spurty cum blasts make his work some of my very favorite. Taken from the June 2003 issue of Handjobs Magazine, The Adventures of Timmy: College Glory (Hole) is written by Christopher Pierce and illustrated with great aplomb by the famous Roscoe. So I thought we might take a break from thinking about what our dongs really MEAN, and just enjoy some college bathroom blow jay action. We’ve had a busy week here, and I’ve been fighting off a shitty cold for days now. One of the best Adventures of Timmy stories outta Handjobs.

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